Thank you for your interest in Goldin Choice. We recognize that changing managing agents is a stressful and complex process not undertaken lightly. Whether your building is a new conversion, just starting operations, or an established building with years of history; Goldin Choice has the experience and ability to manage your building.
Goldin Choice is a full service management company whose management plans include (but are certainly not limited to) the following activities:
• Managing the building's finances; • Management of financial problems; • Providing informative monthly financial reports; • Maintaining the financial records of the buildings; • Attending and participating in board meetings; and • Processing of purchase/sublet applications.
The sales process can be as varied as the buildings we manage but typically follows the steps below:
Step 1 You contact us and we talk about your needs, future plans and the problems you are having with your present management team. This conversation allows us to get to know you a bit better and helps us draft a management plan for your building.
Step 2 We submit a proposal to you detailing the management plan with financial considerations.
Step 3 After reviewing the proposal you contact us for an interview. This interview can take place at your location or you can interview us at our offices so you can see our operation. During the interview you will meet with our salesperson who is also one of our property managers. Step 4 We enter into a management agreement and begin the transition. We have a highly organized checklist procedure that we use during transition so that we make sure your building is set up properly in our systems. The transition process typically takes 30 days.